The spa for your burnout type

Apr 11 2022

Savant Spy

4 min read

Burnout hero image

Feeling exhausted?  Can’t be bothered?  You could be suffering from burnout, says spa-guru-turned-counsellor Savant Spy. And you’re not alone. 

Burnout is a very real problem with serious mental health consequences. People who suffer from burnout tend to ‘push through’ stress rather than admit defeat, but that can be a dangerous game.

If you think you might be burning out, listen to your exhausted body and give yourself a break before it gets any worse. Allow yourself to step off the treadmill. The world will not crash around your ears if you take time out – quite the opposite. Given some headspace, you may have more clarity about how to make your life happy, or simply bearable.

There are said to be four main burnout personality types. Read on to see which one fits your profile and let us guide you to your perfect burnout-prevention spa day. And remember, while a spa day is an excellent start, daily self-care is vital – from weekly meditation and nature walks to connecting with people who make you smile.

The burnout type: Alphas

You are an extravert and probably a leader. You are ambitious, driven and maybe over-identify with your job or your status in life. This means when things go wrong or get hard, you take it personally. Failure is not tolerated, even if Gandhi and Einstein think making mistakes is a good thing. You thrive on adrenalin and stress but there is a limit to everyone’s battery – even yours. Type A burnouts usually take the form of emotional exhaustion coupled with anger; they are also at a higher risk of heart problems.

The spa:
Since you don’t do anything by halves, why not go full castaway at The Headland Spa (pictured above) right at the tippy tip of Cornwall. Book a hideaway cliff-top cottage and bury yourself in the Five Bubble Luxury Spa. If you can’t bear to part from your phone at least leave it poolside as you indulge in the new 10m Aqua Club with its six pools. Or grab a surfboard and ride the Atlantic waves.

The burnout type: Givers

This personality type is prone to Compassion Fatigue, but Givers aren’t just in the healthcare system. You’re everywhere, often floating around in a sea of Alphas who take advantage of their good nature. Known also as People Pleasers, making sure everyone is okay is a survival mechanism usually learned at a young age. You have very little sense of self, and low self-esteem – you know when you’re burning out when you think everyone hates you and start getting snappy. You put everyone’s needs before yours and can’t say no. But when you have run out of fffs to give – and you will - what’s left?

The spa:
The It’s All About Me spa day at the stylish Stanley House Hotel & Spa (pictured above) has your name on it. Have a welcome glass of Prosecco, a 55-minute indulgent Temple Spa treatment, lunch or cream tea at the brasserie and a couple of hours wallowing in the delightful facilities, emptying your busy mind as you gaze at views of the Ribble Valley. Because you’re worth it.

The burnout type: Perfectionists

Although Alphas expect perfection from others, they don’t have the crippling self-criticism of perfectionists. You may not notice that the expectations you set for yourself are a little extreme and somewhat unfair. You’re also trapped in a horrible Catch 22 of never being enough. I wonder what childhood trauma you could be playing out? Your internal script runs something like: if I could be perfect at everything then I will be loved or avoid being hurt. Unfortunately, perfectionism often means you perform less well than other personality types at work and drive people you love mad with your control-freakery.

The Spa:
The Club at Cottonmill (pictured above) should tick all your boxes - it does ours. Expect excellent, high-end facilities and some serious stress relieving treatments. Book into a Mews Suite with your own private hot-tub, let your hair down (no one is judging - except you) and indulge in some authentic me time.

The burnout type: Pessimists

An occasional shared moan around the water cooler can be the perfect tonic for a toxic workplace. But for some, negativity is like crack cocaine feeding our miserable view of the world to the point where everything becomes unbearable. People with a negative outlook make work life harder for themselves, and others. Some believe that negativity is a mindset that can be changed – CBT therapy can help. But if being told to turn that smile upside down feels deeply insulting, stop playing the victim and take the reins - leave your job and find one that makes you feel fulfilled and purposeful.

The spa:
Nature is said to be good for the soul, which is why we think even you will be charmed by The Greenhouse Spa at The Elms Hotel (pictured above). While the hotel offers the boutique country estate vibe with gorgeous rooms, the spa is filled with greenery and light, with plenty of cosy nooks and corners to take time out and reassess your life.


Savant Spy

11th April 2022

Spy Likes:

Clever, inspiring design, sublime views, a vast, clean and empty pool, solitary relaxation areas to read, write or commune with my muse.

Spy Dislikes:

Small talk, discussions about spirituality or astrology, any products containing tea tree oil or aloe (sadly am allergic), busy pools where you can’t do laps.

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