Review: Anne Semonin Extreme Comfort Cream

Jan 16 2015

Sybaritic Spy

2 min read


We reviewed Anne Semonin Extreme Comfort Cream (£70 for 50ml).

First impressions:

The Extreme Comfort Cream comes in a nice chunky jar with a silver lid. The cream inside is white and quite firm with a neutral smell. The cream is thick and rich, but not too thick to prevent it sinking into the skin quite quickly.

I was keen to try the product as my skin is very dry, and in cold weather it feels tight and even cracks in some areas. Yuck!

What’s in it:

The cream ingredients include macadamia nut oil, soya oil and sunflower seed oil. It also has beeswax and seaweed extract in it. Beeswax acts as a barrier protection, macadamia oil is a top quality moisturiser and the sunflower and soya oil act to soothe and repair the skin. The seaweed extract is there to encourage cell regeneration. 


The instructions suggested putting the cream on the skin after a moisturiser, which I did. I also added an extra layer on my neck area after I had put make up on and just before I went out in the cold. The cream was very soothing, it was absorbed quickly but gave a protective layer as well, so you don’t notice it but you do feel the benefit of having it on.


I used the cream everyday for about 10 weeks (which is how long the container lasted). It was very comforting to have on my skin during cold weather, it kept my skin supple and moisturised. I can’t say it made a major long term difference to my skin as I also use a serum and a moisturizer each morning. But it did combine well with those and I missed using this cream when the pot was empty.


This is not a cheap cream at £68, but it feels rich and soothing and pleasant to use. I do feel that it is full of good quality ingredients with no greasiness or unattractive smells. It’s a really useful winter buy and the container also looked pretty classy on my dressing table.

Final verdict:

Yes, I would buy this when the weather is cold and nasty, or when I need a winter treat. It’s a great gift for anyone with very dry skin.

It's also a must for keen walkers, anyone going ski-ing or on a long haul flight.


Sybaritic Spy

16th January 2015

Spy Likes:

Warm treatment beds; fragrant steam rooms; therapists who listen to what you say; unexpected treats such as back massages that start with hot towels on your feet.

Spy Dislikes:

Small towels; crowded changing rooms; black mould in the showers; therapists who sniff; anyone who doesn't take my lavender allergy seriously - until I'm actually sick on them!

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