Are you proud of your posterior? Are you smug about your seat? Or do you despise your derriere? Whatever your opinion, seminal spa superiors around the world have been busy developing treatments to put your posterior anterior.
In 2009, Solange Magnano – a former Miss Argentina, tragically died from complications following a gluteplasty procedure (or bum implants, for the uninitiated amongst us). Whilst deaths of this sort are reasonably rare, surgery of any kind does involve an element of risk. So, if you aren’t quite ready to succumb to the surgeon’s knife, the Good Spa Spies have been busy researching what other treatments are available to revitalise your rear!
Stepping away from surgery but remaining in the realms of ‘procedure’, EF Medi Spa in Kensington offers Instant Butt Lift Injections. By injecting Macrolane filler (traditionally used for non-surgical breast enhancement) into the top and sides of your bottom, it is claimed that you will leave with a firmer, plumper behind, with minimal downtime. EF Medi Spa additionally include a skin-tightening radio frequency treatment as part of the package, which they claim is “excellent for smoothing out cellulite, tightening loose and sagging skin and more importantly promoting collagen production so that your skin remains firmer for longer.”
If the idea of someone sticking needles in your rear doesn’t appeal, there are a number of spa solutions that can leave your seat looking (and feeling) sweet:
The Ritz-Carlton in South Beach, California, was one of the pioneers of the ‘Fanny Facial’ (language differences to be remembered in this case please, spa-goers!), with their infamous Divine Derriere treatment. Since then, the UK market has cottoned on and is offering some splendidly sumptuous bottom-beautifying treatments.
Sassy Spy
13th March 2014
Spy Likes:
Luxurious scented candles; hot massage oil; being warm; unusual treatments; fluffy towels; natural light; firm pressure.
Spy Dislikes:
Mould; slamming doors; being walked in on while treatment in progress; therapists with cigarette-laced breath.