Eco Millennial sets wellness goals for 2020

Jan 1 2020

Scarlet Spy


3 min read

New year, new me, right? Every year I tell myself: “I’m going to eat more healthily, do yoga everyday and keep fit”. But who really does that?

If I want to stick to my goals, I feel it’s important to keep them as realistic as possible; I don’t want to end up punishing myself or feeling like a failure.

There are three areas I want to focus on to improve my wellbeing: fitness, food and skincare.


Rather than saying, “I want to be fit and have the perfect body this year”, I find it helps to create targets for myself. I joined the gym a few months ago and I’ve been fluctuating with how frequently I go. Some weeks I go 4-5 times, others I only go 2-3 times … or not at all. One of my resolutions is to go a minimum of 3 times a week to keep the results consistent. With the gym being less than 2 minutes away from my work, there’s really no excuse.

Since joining the gym, I have been slacking with yoga. However, I can now do a headstand which was something I was working on for weeks. When I finally got it, I felt such a rush of energy. My yoga goal for the new year will be to just take it easy and stretch my body whenever I have some quiet time for myself.


I’ve been a vegan for over a year now (proud pat on the back to self). This is probably one of my easier resolutions as I know I will upkeep my veganism. I guess my resolution will be to spread the word and encourage others to adopt vegan options where they can; whether it’s food, skincare, makeup or daily life.

As Spa visit is definitely on my bucket list in the new year, these are my personal favorites that offer something for the vegan folk.

The Spa at South Lodge offers a variety of plant-based dishes at their Botanica Restaurant (Mediterranean inspired, using fresh and seasonal ingredients). You can view their menu here.

The Coach House Spa at Beaverbrook also offer plant-based options at their Coach House Deli from super-food salads to juices and house-baked bread. They always use fresh and seasonal ingredients which are from their own kitchen gardens.



I have a well-established skincare routine – I use a good cleanser, serums, moisturiser, eye cream, face oil and the occasional sheet mask. However, I never think to use a toner which should be the first step after cleansing. I have been told it would improve my skin tone and remove any excess oil, dirt or build-up.

Also, I can’t believe I’m doing all this amazing stuff for my skin but forgetting the key ingredient to lock everything in and shield my skin: SPF! My new resolution is to make sure from now on that I’m wearing a minimum of SPF 30 on my skin, all year round.

I’ve decided to try Comfort Zone. Their products are sustainable, contain no animal derivatives, free from parabens and are scientifically curated to suit specific skin needs.

Their Remedy Toner is great for sensitive skin due to its 98% natural-origin ingredients. It helps to rehydrate my skin and gives it a smooth base for the rest of my skincare. I love that it’s in a spray bottle, making it super easy to use and I don’t have to faff around with cotton pads.

I also have the Comfort Zone Sun Soul Face Cream with SPF 30. It’s enriched with anti-ageing and antioxidant active ingredients. I noticed how quickly it absorbed into my skin and felt light and non-sticky, more like a moisturiser than a sun cream. My skin finally feels like it’s being protected from sun and environmental damage.

What are your new year’s resolutions? Tell us over on Twitter or Facebook.


Scarlet Spy

1st January 2020

Spy Likes:

Nature-inspired spas, cold water plunges, sound baths, deep tissue massage, delicious food.

Spy Dislikes:

Thin walls in treatment rooms, lounger hoggers, soggy robes, bright lights.

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