Review: Voya’s Dry Skin Range

Mar 24 2016

Sybaritic Spy

3 min read

Dry Group Range small

Voya Pearlesque Hydrating Moisturiser

£54, 50ml

First impressions:

This hydrating moisturiser has tastefully restrained packaging in the form of a glass jar with silver lid. The contents look rather like whipped cream: soft in texture and creamy coloured. The first aroma on opening the jar is of sweet orange – one of my favourites since it is fresh and clean. Under that top note is a much heavier, richer fragrance which the packaging tells me is frankincense.

What’s in it?

Like many Voya products, the ingredients are over 80% certified organic and some come from the sea. In this case it is algae extract which is believed to boost the skin’s hydration levels, and is designed to strengthen the skin and reduce sensitivity. Another of the key ingredients is the desert plant Rose of Jericho.


This cream is very soft and fluffy and that makes it very easy to use. It feels good as it is applied to my dry skin and it soaks in quickly. I can almost hear my skin saying…more…more! Thicker creams often drag on the skin, or sit on top of it and take ages to sink in. The instructions suggest applying it with upward sweeping strokes. I tried this and because the cream is soft it worked very well, especially on my neck area. In fact, I found myself massaging my face each morning. Now I know we are all supposed to do this but usually I don’t have time. However, I enjoyed using this cream, so I made time and did it regularly.


The pot lasted about 6 weeks and I used it each morning. I cannot claim to have had a miraculous transformation, but my neck and rather sagging jawline are looking better. It may be the cream, or it may be the regular light massage.

My skin is both dry and dehydrated (too much coffee not enough water!) so this cream has its work cut out. The good news is that my skin felt plumper and softer after application. It did sink in quickly, which is generally a good thing, but I found that sometimes I needed to add another layer before putting on my foundation. The interesting side effect was that my skin did not feel dry during the day. Working in an air-conditioned office, my skin often feels tight in the afternoon. I think it really did help keep the moisture in for longer. Voya describe this product as a survival blanket for the skin, so maybe it was doing a good job of keeping me wrapped up!


I felt that this was a very good quality cream and was made in a way that meant it was pleasant and easy to use. At just over £50 for six weeks, it is middle range for a face cream. The packaging was classy but simple and the jar was full - no sneaky inner lining which reduces the amount of product. In that sense it is good value. 

Final verdict:

I liked the smell and the texture, and the ease of application. I am not sure it was rich enough for my skin, but it made a good daytime cream to use under makeup. I think I would need to pair it with a richer cream to use at night.

Voya Hydra Veil Hydrating mask

£33.60, 50ml

First impressions:

Again, a simple by sophisticated glass jar with a silver lid. The mask is soft and cream coloured and smells very faintly of vanilla.

What’s in it?

The jar tells me it contains Palmarosa and vanilla. Palmarosa turns out to be a rather attractive looking grass. The essential oil made from it has antiseptic and hydrating properties.


The cream is very light and easy to apply. It does not dry on the skin so is easy to wash off with warm water. The instructions suggest leaving it in the skin for 20 minutes. Sadly I never have 20 minutes to sit and relax, so I applied it before doing my five minute exercise routine and cleaning my teeth, and washed it off at the end of my shower. It seemed to work! The instructions say to use it once or twice a week, but I liked the feel and the result so much I used it every other day.


Voya describe this as a ‘drink of water for the skin’. It certainly left my rather dry and dehydrated skin feeling plumper and softer.


This jar lasted me about 4 weeks even though I was using it every other day. It was easy to apply smelt good and left my skin feeling and looking good. For me that is good value!

Final verdict:

A good buy for anyone with very dry skin 


Sybaritic Spy

24th March 2016

Spy Likes:

Warm treatment beds; fragrant steam rooms; therapists who listen to what you say; unexpected treats such as back massages that start with hot towels on your feet.

Spy Dislikes:

Small towels; crowded changing rooms; black mould in the showers; therapists who sniff; anyone who doesn't take my lavender allergy seriously - until I'm actually sick on them!

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