I love spa – the products, the treatments, the holistic attitude to wellbeing. I always dream of going on a spa day and do so vicariously reading Good Spa Guide. But the truth is I am your classic millennial - not long out of college, cash-strapped, single and in search of a purpose for life.
Spa Spies are traditionally luxury lovers -- even those who are more into the wellness end go for spas I can only dream about. But I think my situation is a reality for a lot of young people, so I approached the Good Spa Guide suggesting I write about how to spa when you’re young, broke and have a planet-saving conscience. I think I speak for more people than just the young: many people want to indulge in the beauty of a spa without breaking the bank.
I believe self-care is important whatever you age and status, and I have found creative ways to spa at home, which in turn makes a smaller impact on the planet. I will be exploring this further over the next year and will share any ideas and tips I discover along the way.
I also want to champion spas – or any wellbeing services - that are doing their bit to be eco-friendly or tap into the younger mindset. I’ll happily pay for a spa day so long as it’s totally worth it – so I will talk about my experiences, honestly, with you.
What else do you need to know about me? I have just got into Yoga in a big way. I started by attending classes at my college, but this was burning a hole in my pocket, so like a lot of people, I do Yoga at home now, thanks to You Tube. I’ll be talking more about this – pros and cons – as well as (hopefully) finding a yoga retreat that I can afford.
I’m also vegan (of course!) For me, it isn’t just eating avocado toast every day. There are so many substitutes for meat out there that are plant-based and taste just like the real deal – minus the cruelty. Is it weird that I love looking at ingredient labels now? I like to know what I am putting into my body – I guess that’s one of my forms of self-care.
My vegan lifestyle is not just about what food I consume, but what beauty products I use too. I always lookout for anything organic, ‘clean’, natural and certified cruelty-free and vegan. It makes me happy to see the rise in these products and being able to care for your skin with the gift of mother nature. I also like to DIY products (with the help of Pinterest). I made my own body butter with shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil and almond oil and my skin has been thanking me ever since. I buy the ingredients in bulk and store them in glass jars – thus helping the environment by not having to throw away plastic tubes and bottles - and they last for months.
I feel fulfilled in how I live my daily life now. Being more eco conscious and finding innovative ways to spa in my own time and space with limited spending, has made me appreciate the spa life even more. My main intention this year is to find more ways to spa ethically and spread the word – I hope you will enjoy joining me on this journey.
My intention for this month: To do yoga at least every other day.
My new favourite book and podcast: Book - Eat Pray Love. Podcast - Kalyn’s Coffee Talk.
My current go-to product: Rata & Co Chia Seed face oil.
Student Spy
15th March 2019
Spy Likes:
Good food; friendly therapists; decent music to listen to during a treatment; therapists who understand that exams make you feel really stressed.
Spy Dislikes:
Robes that are too big for people who are only five foot tall; swimming pools with no room to swim; too much healthy food.