David Lloyd Leisure Centres introduce Bokwa nationwide from September

Apr 4 2014

Student Spy


1 min read

Bokwa is being hailed as the new Zumba, but instead of partying yourself into shape, Bokwa promises South African war dance, Capoeira, Kickboxing and Steps (the exercise, not the band, I am reliably informed). It also uses letters, numbers and even American Sign language!

The “bo” represents the boxing side of things, while “kwa” represents the traditional dance of Kwaito. Here at The Good Spa Guide we are unsure how boxing and traditional dancing could possibly fit in with American sign language, or how one can “dance the digits”. How good do I have to be at my times tables to be able to do that?

Instead of Steps – the band – helping you sweat the alphabet, Bokwa uses African, Latin, Dance and House music to help you keep to the beat (thankfully).

Bokwa dance and fitness classes at David Lloyd Leisure

According to their official website “Bokwa is an innovative dance fitness program that is an abundance of fun and does not feel like a workout!” Sounds perfect to me.

So if you were watching the Olympics envying all the toned athletes, Bokwa may be the perfect place to start.

Bokwa is being introduced nationwide in all David Lloyd’s Leisure Centres from September. Find your local David Lloyd club here.


Student Spy

4th April 2014

Spy Likes:

Good food; friendly therapists; decent music to listen to during a treatment; therapists who understand that exams make you feel really stressed.

Spy Dislikes:

Robes that are too big for people who are only five foot tall; swimming pools with no room to swim; too much healthy food.