Here at the Good Spa Guide, we aren’t hugely in favour of injecting when it comes to beauty. We do prefer to keep things more au naturel. Natural collagen tablets offer a pain-free alternative to collagen injections and fillers, and enthusiasts have been raving about their wondrous anti-ageing properties.
When we received our natural collagen capsules at the Good Spa Guide office, we can't say that there was a mad clamour to test them out. (We're obviously all perfectly wrinkle-free from all of the fabulous facials we've tried.) However, Stylish Spy's other half came to the rescue, and volunteered to take on the 60-day trial, consuming three tablets each evening an hour after dinner with a glass o' milk.
The results?
Sadly, Mr Stylish Spy saw no apparent effect. As a metrosexual kinda guy, Mr Stylish Spy looks after his appearance with just the right amount of exfoliation and moisturisation, but the collagen tablets failed to deliver anything more than a healthy skin care routine already did.
If we are honest, we're not sure the science behind this product is entirely convincing. Collagen is naturally produced by your body, and your body alone. Collagen found in capsules and creams is fundamentally different to your natural collagen both in shape and size, so is unable to attach to your existing molecules. You simply cannot affix collagen to what you already have, although you can have treatments and procedures to stimulate the production of your own collagen.
These tablets aren't all collagen. They also contain hyaluronic acid, rosehip powder and vitamin C. These products are all supposed to help improve the texture and tone of your skin and certainly, over time, a regular boost of vitamin C may leave you looking and feeling fresher.
As we speak, clever scientists are making attempts to develop smaller, correctly shaped collagen molecules, but we remain sceptical that they will ever develop a product that can actually do what many collagen-based products claim.
If you want to encourage the production of your own, unique, wonderful collagen, then get down to your favourite spa and find out what collagen-boosting facials they have on offer!
Stylish Spy
18th March 2014
Spy Likes:
Minimalist lines; organic products; facial massage; tranquillity; interesting people-watching.
Spy Dislikes:
Discarded towels on loungers; steam rooms that aren't steamy; mobile phones.